Hands-On Service Opportunities

Rotary is a service organization.  Our club strives to help people in Springfield and Greene County through our Community Grants and Hands-On Service Projects.  We have several nonprofit groups represented by our members, and we’re giving them the chance to publicize opportunities for Hands-on Service.  We’ll post those opportunities here, along with their contact information, for anyone who is looking for a way to serve others.

Good Dads

  • April 11 (Friday): Hands-on Service opportunity -- Good Dads Strong Schools breakfast program at Pittman Elementary School, 2934 E. Bennett Street, on from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. We're looking for 4 or 5 Rotarians who would welcome dads and students, hand out raffle tickets, put stickers on people, help serve breakfast, and generally help people feel welcome. They would also assist  the project captain by handing out supplies and doing a little cleanup.  Make a big impact in a small amount of time!  

The Good Dads Strong Schools program also is looking for volunteers for two or three other schools.  One is Watson Elementary, a Title 1 school with lots of diversity, on the northwest side of the city.  The second is Weaver Elementary on West Division Street.  It's possible Sequiota School on the southeast side of the city may soon be part of the program.  A contingent of 4-6 Rotarians one day each month could make an impact at each school. 

Make a big impact in a small amount of time.  The volunteer opportunity is as follows:

1)      Arrive at the school between 6:45 - 7:00 a.m.
2)      Assist at check-in table (greet dads and kids, give out stickers and raffle tickets, help people to feel welcome)
3)      Assist with distributing supplies for activity
4)      Assist with any clean-up, which should be minimal

Total time: Less than one hour.  The day of the month is determined by the school. We have several from which to choose.

To learn more: Contact Jennifer Baker (jennifer@gooddads.com)  https://gooddads.com/strong-schools/

Ozarks Counseling Center  

Contact Andrea Bishop:  417-869-9011 or  417-838-7585  andrea@ozarkscounselingcenter.org
  • We have a gorgeous old house on South Street that we use for our offices and it has beautiful gardens that never really get the attention they need.
  • We have a couple of areas that completely need to be revamped that could be good one-day projects. 
  • We could also use a freshening-up day in both the spring and fall
  • Sometimes we need a little painting and the like, but mostly it is help with the landscaping that would be most beneficial. 

Drew Lewis Foundation

  • Serve and clean up community dinners on Thursday nights at The Fairbanks
  • Spring cleanup projects
  • House Demolition and cleanup projects
  • We utilize a platform called GivePulse on a number of projects. https://www.givepulse.com/group/115007-Drew-Lewis-Foundation-The-Fairbanks
  • Assist with repainting some old duplexes in the Grant Beach neighborhood to help spruce up the neighborhood 

Community Blood Center of the Ozarks

  •  Contact Stacey Connell, 417-227-5313  or 417-840-1852  connells@cbco.org
  • We could use some help from garden & plant lovers to maintain our front flower garden. If there is interest, we would love to have a group or person come once a month to weed the flower garden, pull plants coming up between the bricks on our sidewalk, and sweep the entrance areas.

Victory Mission

  •  Contact Jason Hynson, 417-864-2216 or 417-576-6929  jason@victorymission.com
  • Multiple opportunities are available, with flexible scheduling 
  • We have things posted on the website: www.victorymission.com. We also can customize experiences around food, shelter, clothing, relationships, and mentoring.

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Convoy of Hope

  • Contact Marilyn Lopez, 417-823-8998 or  412-680-4227  mlo.cofo@gmail.com
  • Convoy of Hope has volunteer opportunities every Tuesday and Thursday night from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Here is our page and the email to register a group is volunteer@convoyofhope.org.
  • Location: World Distribution Center: 1 Convoy Drive Springfield, MO 65802
    Directions: From Highway MM, turn onto West Carnahan Street. Follow the road (approximately half a mile. You will find parking to the left of the building. Enter through the glass doors that face James River Freeway.
    • Doors open at 6 p.m., and walk-ins are accepted up to capacity until 6:30 p.m.
    • The warehouse is locked at 6:30 p.m. as a safety requirement.
    • Events may be canceled due to inclement weather.
    • Groups of 10 or more should email to register in advance.
    • Spots for guests are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Volunteers can text “HOPE” to 688-28 for up-to-the-minute Hands of Hope news and volunteer opportunities.

Hands-on Service:  Ozarks Counseling Center yard work

Rotary Club of Springfield Southeast conducted a Hands-on Service Project on Saturday, Oct. 12.  Club volunteers and family members spent the morning doing yard work at the Ozarks Counseling Center.

The much needed work gave the center a visual overhaul and improved the already beautiful setting for visitors as they enter the building.  The improved yard will also provide a jumping-off point for more landscape improvements in the spring.

It was a morning of hard work but the results and fellowship were well worth the effort!  Participants were Andrea Bishop, Dan Emrie, Rex Johnson, Ray and Isabel Lampert, Joe and Tracy Piatchek and their children, and Mark Long.

Click on each photo to enlarge it.  (Photos by Dan Emrie)