Programs (subject to change)
- Feb. 20 - Better Block SGF; speaker is Laura King, community coordinator
- Feb. 27 -
- March 6 - Leadership Springfield; speaker is Carrie Richardson
- March 13 - Ozarks Technical Community College; speaker is Hal Higdon
For Ring Central attendees: The formal meeting starts at 12:15 with an invocation, pledge of allegiance, The Four-Way Test, guest introductions, announcements, the sergeant-at-arms report, program, (sometimes) questions and answers, and the drawing for the Polio Plus raffle.
The club's executive secretary sends out a link via email each week for the Ring Central broadcast. If you don't receive our weekly email messages, please send a message to to receive the link.
The weekly online meetings are recorded and available for viewing in a gallery on this website. Click on the “make‐ups” tab, then scroll down to “Recorded SE Rotary meetings” and click on the gallery link. The password to access the gallery is SErotary1.
Other Events
- Feb. 11 (Tuesday): Board meeting, noon, UMB Bank, 1150 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield; non-board members are welcome to attend
- Feb. 18 (Tuesday): New Members Lunch, 12:00 - 1:00, Scramblers; experienced members are welcome to join new members to delve in-depth into some aspect of club operations
- Feb. 20 (Thursday): Fellowship event -- Metro Bingo; 6:00, Metropolitan Grill, 2931 E. Battlefield Road; cost is $25 per person; RSVP required; maximum of 50 participants. The cost includes an appetizer, salad and a personal size pizza. Registration Link:
- April 11 (Friday): Hands-on Service opportunity -- Good Dads Strong Schools breakfast program at Pittman Elementary School, 2934 E. Bennett Street, on Friday, Feb. 7, from 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. We're looking for 4 or 5 Rotarians who would welcome dads and students, hand out raffle tickets, put stickers on people, and generally help people feel welcome. They would also assist the project captain by handing out supplies and doing a little cleanup.
- April 30 (Wednesday): All-City Rotary Clubs Meeting, 11:30 - 1:00, DoubleTree Hotel, 2431 N. Glenstone Ave. (This will take the place of our regular meeting that week.)