Programs (subject to change)

  • Jan. 23 - The Arc of the Ozarks Autism and Neurodevelopment Center; speaker is Dr. Kyle John, medical director
  • Jan. 30 - Springfield Through the Eyes of an Immigrant; speaker is Judith Martinez-Garcia
  • Feb. 6 - City Utilities of Springfield; speaker is Dwayne Fulk, president and chief executive officer
  • Feb. 13 - Springfield Public Schools; speaker is Granita Lathan, superintendent

For Zoom attendees: The formal meeting starts at 12:15 with an invocation, pledge of allegiance, The Four-Way Test, guest introductions, announcements, the sergeant-at-arms report, program, (sometimes) questions and answers, and the drawing for the Polio Plus raffle.

Here are links to join the meeting via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 889 6262 5071
Passcode: 747107

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,88962625071#


The weekly Zoom meetings are recorded and available for viewing in a gallery on this website.  Click on the “make‐ups”  tab, then scroll down to “Recorded SE Rotary meetings” and click on the gallery link.  The password to access the gallery is SErotary1.


Other Events

  • Jan. 2 (Thursday) - Jan. 24 (Friday): Service opportunity -- Citywide Rotary Blood Drive; donors may go to the CBCO center on Plainview Road or one of the community blood drive locations scheduled throughout the city during the Rotary blood drive if that is more convenient. All donors will be included in the drawing for a $50 gift card to 4 area restaurants.  Any Rotarians who bring a friend will be entered into a separate drawing for a $50 gift card to a restaurant.  Please consider starting the new year by giving the most special gift – the gift of life that can only come from donors who make the time and effort to help others in their community.  Let’s win the All-Rotary blood drive competition and save a life while we are doing it.
  • Jan. 21 (Tuesday)New Member Lunch, noon - 1:00Scramblers; experienced members are welcome to join new members to learn about an aspect of club operations
  • Feb. 7 (Friday): Hands-on Service opportunity -- Good Dads Strong Schools breakfast program at Pittman Elementary School, 2934 E. Bennett Street, on Friday, Feb. 7, from 7:30 - 7:55 a.m. We're looking for 4 or 5 Rotarians who would welcome dads and students, hand out raffle tickets, put stickers on people, and generally help people feel welcome. They would also assist  the project captain by handing out supplies and doing a little cleanup.  It's also possible that one volunteer would pick up donuts that have been ordered and purchased in advance. Make a big impact in a small amount of time!  Sign up to volunteer:
  • Feb. 11 (Tuesday): Board meeting, noon, UMB Bank, 1150 E. Battlefield Road, Springfield; non-board members are welcome to attend
  • Feb. 20 (Thursday): Fellowship event -- Metro Bingo; 6:00, Metropolitan Grill, 2931 E. Battlefield Road; cost is $25 per person; RSVP required; maximum of 50 participants. The cost includes an appetizer, salad and a personal size pizza. Registration Link: