Veterans in Springfield Southeast Rotary Club
Our military veterans posed for a picture on Nov. 7, 2019, after our program about the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. We are honored to know you and we thank you for your service.

Rotary Smiles All Around
Past President Bonnie Keller, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Ozarks president and CEO, and Mindy Muñoz, program director of its Caremobile, hosted one of our Fellowship Lunches on Oct. 24, 2019. They gave a tour of the RMHC Tooth Truck and the Ronald McDonald House near Cox South Hospital. Afterwards, Rotarians posed with big smiles.

World Polio Day celebration
The Rotary Foundation awarded nearly $700 million in PolioPlus grants from 2010 to 2017. Rotary and its partners worked to reach 430 million children in 39 countries during polio immunization campaigns in 2017.
A big thanks to Watkins Outdoor Advertising for running our World Polio Day billboard in October on several boards in south Springfield. #endpolio
A big thanks to Watkins Outdoor Advertising for running our World Polio Day billboard in October on several boards in south Springfield. #endpolio
Sarge takes charge
President Patrick Harrington introduced his sergeant-at-arms for 2019 - '20 at our meeting on July 18. He's Past President Bob Hammerschmidt. He comes with a high rate of interest in our club, which means we can bank on some good times, so make sure you account for the accomplishments of yourself and others this year. (Photos by Dan Emrie)
Annual recognition and installation banquet
ur club celebrated its successes in the 2018-'19 Rotary year, honored the Volunteer of the Year, thanked its leaders for the past year, and installed its 2019-'20 leaders at our annual Recognition Lunch on June 20.
Tammy Mast presented the Volunteer of the Year Award to Mark McNay. Bill also honored our club's executive secretary, Kim Pittman, and assistant executive secretary, Linden Mueller.
Past Assistant District Governor and Past President Brad Bodenhausen installed our new officers.
The event then included the ceremonial passing of the gavel from our club's first president, Sam Hamra (1967-68), down the line through subsequent presidents to our newest president, Patrick Harrington (2019-20). Patrick thanked Bill Squires for his service this past year and gave special recognition to Bill's wife, who had to deal with his extra absences from home in the past year as he dealt with Rotary business.
Dan Emrie took these photos.
Tammy Mast presented the Volunteer of the Year Award to Mark McNay. Bill also honored our club's executive secretary, Kim Pittman, and assistant executive secretary, Linden Mueller.
Past Assistant District Governor and Past President Brad Bodenhausen installed our new officers.
The event then included the ceremonial passing of the gavel from our club's first president, Sam Hamra (1967-68), down the line through subsequent presidents to our newest president, Patrick Harrington (2019-20). Patrick thanked Bill Squires for his service this past year and gave special recognition to Bill's wife, who had to deal with his extra absences from home in the past year as he dealt with Rotary business.
Dan Emrie took these photos.
2019 Four-Way Test Award ceremony
Dan Emrie took these photos on May 23, 2019. They show Four-Way Test Award winner Brandi O'Reilly, nominator Abby Akin (center), and Committee Chair Bob Hammerschmidt.
As all Rotarians know, we encourage high ethical standards in all professions and foster the ideal of service in all aspects of our lives. We see these values well-articulated in “The Object of Rotary”, as well as our motto, “Service Above Self,” and, of course, “The Four-Way Test,” which we recite at each meeting.
The Springfield Southeast Rotary Club’s Four-way Test Committee chose to present the 2019 Four-Way Test Award to Brandi O’Reilly, founder and board president of Dynamic Strides Therapy, for demonstrating the fundamental ideals of Rotary through high ethical business standards and service to others in her professional, community and personal life.
Dynamic Strides Therapy lets children with special needs experience the therapeutic benefits of equine movement, a unique sensory gym and the compassionate support of skilled, certified therapists.
Nominator Abby Akin states in the nomination form, “Brandi volunteers full time without pay. She puts the needs of these kids above everything else. Brandi chose to put her own time, money and work into this place because she saw kids who were not able to get help they needed . . . and felt it was unfair.”
The thing that really impressed us about Dynamic Strides is that it takes people in order, without regard of ability to pay. With a waiting list of more than 120 kids, she could easily fill the slots with private pay or Medicaid patients but made the conscious decision to take everyone.
The Four-Way Test Committee is chaired by Bob Hammerschmidt. The other committee members are Bonnie Keller, Dan Emrie, Danny Correll and Vocational Lane Director Lisa Odom.
As all Rotarians know, we encourage high ethical standards in all professions and foster the ideal of service in all aspects of our lives. We see these values well-articulated in “The Object of Rotary”, as well as our motto, “Service Above Self,” and, of course, “The Four-Way Test,” which we recite at each meeting.
The Springfield Southeast Rotary Club’s Four-way Test Committee chose to present the 2019 Four-Way Test Award to Brandi O’Reilly, founder and board president of Dynamic Strides Therapy, for demonstrating the fundamental ideals of Rotary through high ethical business standards and service to others in her professional, community and personal life.
Dynamic Strides Therapy lets children with special needs experience the therapeutic benefits of equine movement, a unique sensory gym and the compassionate support of skilled, certified therapists.
Nominator Abby Akin states in the nomination form, “Brandi volunteers full time without pay. She puts the needs of these kids above everything else. Brandi chose to put her own time, money and work into this place because she saw kids who were not able to get help they needed . . . and felt it was unfair.”
The thing that really impressed us about Dynamic Strides is that it takes people in order, without regard of ability to pay. With a waiting list of more than 120 kids, she could easily fill the slots with private pay or Medicaid patients but made the conscious decision to take everyone.
The Four-Way Test Committee is chaired by Bob Hammerschmidt. The other committee members are Bonnie Keller, Dan Emrie, Danny Correll and Vocational Lane Director Lisa Odom.
Legacy member
Springfield Southeast Rotarians Dan Emrie, Deryk Morelock, Wayne Morelock, and President Bill Squires celebrate Deryk's introduction into the club on Feb. 28, 2019. Dan sponsored Wayne as a new club member in 1988 and co-sponsored Deryk, Wayne's son, in 2019.